
Brute It (Try Hack Me)

I am currently in the process of completing these boxes on Try Hack Me again in an effort to document my experience, reinforce my knowledge of the topics, and improve my ability to concisely communicate the pentest lifecycle.


An initial nmap scan of the top 1000 ports of the target reveals two open ports:

  • 22 (SSH)
  • 80 (HTTP)

nmap results

The target is an Ubuntu Linux OS as indicated by the version information for the SSH and Apache services.


As indicated by the http-title details in the nmap results, the title for the web application hosted by Apache is the default title.

Browsing to the web application, there is no information visible on the default Apache page, no leaked information in the page source, and no robots.txt file. With no information to progress off of, we shall proceed to directory enumeration.


The /admin endpoint is the only interesting result in the gobuster scan so let’s browse to that!

admin page

Checking out the page source…

admin source

The system administrator left a vital piece of information for us to take advantage of (as if anyone would forget the username admin). This may have been the logical approach but since the room is called “bruteit”, let’s brute force the login as admin.

First, we need to intercept the request to analyze how the payload is structured. This could be in the browser Developer Tools but I like to practice with Burpsuite.

burp intercept

Turning on the intercept and browser proxy, we captured the request. The request contains two fields, user and pass. We could use Burpsuite’s Intruder feature to brute force the request but the free version has an obscene throttling rate so let’s use Hydra.

If we use Hydra, we need to know what an invalid authentication attempt looks like.

invalid login

That string, “Username or password invalid”, is important for our success with Hydra. Hydra’s http-post-form module expects at least 3 parameters 1:

  • POST endpoint
  • POST payload
  • Failure string

The last parameter could be other values other than a failure string but failure is the default. Let’s construct the hydra command but I will break the command down in the Useful Commands section closer to the bottom of this post.


Success! Looks like the password for the admin user, xavier was present in the rockyou wordlist. Authenticating as admin, we are redirected to /panel.


We now have our initial foothold into the target.

Initial Foothold

Let’s download the private key.

Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
DEK-Info: AES-128-CBC,E32C44CDC29375458A02E94F94B280EA


privkey passphrase

Hmm. This probably was not as easy as I thought. The private key is protected by a passphrase.

No matter. There is an incredibly useful series of scripts that convert encrypted files to a hash that John the Ripper can understand and crack. These scripts are of the form <service>2john. To crack the private key passphrase, we shall use ssh2john.

The command structure is also incredibly simple, id_rsa > filename.


Phew, JTR will crack that SSH encrypted key very quickly.


Now, we have definitely obtained our initial foothold. Let’s grab the user flag and move on to privilege escalation. The user flag is available at /home/john/user.txt.

User Flag: THM{a_password_is_not_a_barrier}

Privilege Escalation

We’ll begin by listing out the sudo privileges of the user.


Okay! Looks like we can use /bin/cat as root with no password which is great since we don’t have a password to begin with.

We could read the contents of the root.txt file which is likely located in the root user’s directory but we could use this as an opportunity to try to crack the root user’s password.

We can save the contents of the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow file to our attacker machine, use the unshadow command to combine them into a single file and use JTR to crack the hashes.

JTR shadow crack

Woot woot! John found the password for the root user in the rockyou.txt file. Let’s switch as root and grab the root flag.

root flag

Root Flag: THM{pr1v1l3g3_3sc4l4t10n}

And with that, we have completed the room.

Useful Commands

Hydra Post

hydra -l admin -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt http-post-form "/admin/:user=admin&pass=^PASS^:Username or password invalid"

  • -l admin: User the username admin
  • -P rockyou.txt: User the password list provided
  • target to use
  • http-post-form: Hydra module to use (parameters for the module are separate by colons)
    • "/admin/": POST endpoint
    • "user=admin&pass=^PASS^": The POST payload data. In this case, user and pass are the fields the serve expects. We’re hardcoding admin as the username and ^PASS^ is the expected Hydra placeholder for the password from the password list
    • Username or password invalid: The failure condition string that Hydra searches for in the resopnse


The first time I completed this room, I think I followed the Try Hack Me questions order which gives a strong pathway to solving this room. At that time, I don’t think I would have tried to crack the root user’s password and would have just grabbed the file instead.

In this journey to create a writeup and document it on this website, I am not using the questions to guide me to solving this room. With experience, this room is definitely on the easier end but it provides a lot of experience with brute forcing authentication and cracking various sorts of hashes.
