
  • MonitorsTwo (Hack the Box)

    MonitorsTwo is an Easy Difficulty Linux machine showcasing a variety of vulnerabilities and misconfigurations. Initial enumeration exposes a web application prone to pre-authentication Remote Code Execution (RCE) through a malicious X-Forwarded-For header. Exploiting this vulnerability grants a shell within a Docker container. A misconfigured capsh binary with the SUID bit...

  • Squashed (Hack the Box)

    Squashed is an Easy Difficulty Linux machine that features a combination of both identifying and leveraging misconfigurations in NFS shares through impersonating users. Additionally, the box incorporates the enumeration of an X11 display into the privilege escalation by having the attacker take a screenshot of the current Desktop.1 Squashed (Hack...

  • Soccer (Hack the Box)

    Soccer is an easy difficulty Linux machine that features a foothold based on default credentials, forfeiting access to a vulnerable version of the Tiny File Manager, which in turn leads to a reverse shell on the target system (CVE-2021-45010). Enumerating the target reveals a subdomain which is vulnerable to a...

  • Busqueda (Hack the Box)

    Busqueda is an Easy Difficulty Linux machine that involves exploiting a command injection vulnerability present in a Python module. By leveraging this vulnerability, we gain user-level access to the machine. To escalate privileges to root, we discover credentials within a Git config file, allowing us to log into a local...