
  • eJPT Certified!

    This weekend, I decided to take eLearnSecurity’s Junior Penetration Tester exam and I successfully passed it with a score of 19/20. Below is a quick post about the exam preparation, my experience, a bit of advice, and some thoughts on the exam. Motivation I was searching for a low-cost introductory...

  • PTS: Black-Box Penetration Test 3

    This is the 3rd writeup of 3 black-box penetration tests offered in INE’s Penetration Testing Student course that I am currently doing in my journey to obtain the eJPT certification. Scenario You have been engaged in a Black-box Penetration Test ( range). Your goal is to read the flag file...

  • PTS: Black-Box Penetration Test 2

    This is the 2nd writeup of 3 black-box penetration tests offered in INE’s Penetration Testing Student course that I am currently doing in my journey to obtain the eJPT certification. Scenario You have been engaged in a Black-box Penetration Test ( range). Your goal is to read the flag file...

  • PTS: Black-Box Penetration Test 1

    This is the 1st writeup of 3 black-box penetration tests offered in INE’s Penetration Testing Student course that I am currently doing in my journey to obtain the eJPT certification. Scenario You are responsible for engaging in a Black-box Penetration Test for the range. Your goal is to read...